Feminizidmap.org is a research project on femi(ni)cides in Germany. See the main website for definitions of femi(ni)cide and methodology.
Tech.Feminizidmap.org, this project, is a software research project with the goal of developing tools to support the volunteers and the process of documentation cases of femi(ni)cides. The project is part of the 9th funding round of the Prototype Fund.
As part of this we will build a data entry interface with user management and review process and that allows the publishing of data through an API.
We will use this API directly in two web applications: an interactive, map-based, report-style visualization of the data and a customizable export-to-csv interface to make the data available to people without programming knowledge.
You can find a list of the project’s components on the documentation overview or their source code (all published under open source licenses) directly on GitHub.